Is Sclerotherapy Worth It?

Sclerotherapy is new rage when it comes to the treatment of spider veins and varicose veins. Many people have claimed that this treatment has reduced or removed their vein problem in their legs completely. Many people who are planning on having the treatment done, often want to know if sclerotherapy is worth not only the pain, but also the cost.

What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a very popular medical procedure that is often used in the treatment of spider and varicose veins.  The procedure requires that the veins be injected with a chemical solution through the use of a very fine needle. Once the solution reaches inside the veins, it will begin to irritate the vessel’s lining. Once this occurs the blood will begin to clot and the lining will swell and stick together. Over a period of time, the vessel will begin scarring and eventually disappear.

The number of treatments that are needed to get rid of the vein often depend on its size and also how well it responds to the sclerotherapy injections.

This treatment has been used since the 1930’s for the treatment of various vein issues.

Is Sclerotherapy Worth It?

Most people agree that sclerotherapy this worth the price. It has been proven to be very successful at reducing or eliminating varicose and spider veins. There are statistics out there that show that around 50-80% of the veins that are injected via sclerotherapy can be eliminated totally. There is a small group of around 10% that showed no really improvement in their vein problems once sclerotherapy was administered.

Generally, the veins that are treated by sclerotherapy often show improvement after a couple of weeks. Larger veins that are treated will begin to see improvement after a couple of months. Some people may have to go for touch up treatments as new veins can often appear at any given time.

Because of this high success rates, many people agree that the slight discomfort is well worth it. The pain and side effects experienced during and after the surgery is usually not extreme. Some people may experience some bruising, itching, swelling and redness in the area. These symptoms will often go away after a couple of days.

Individuals who have had sclerotherapy done state that the price is not bad for the results that they achieve from the treatment. Compared to laser vein treatments, sclerotherapy is around 1/3 the cost. This makes it perfect for people who want to get rid of their veins, but would not have the money for more expensive treatments.

If you have varicose are spider veins then you should consult with your doctor about the sclerotherapy treatment. This procedure has been proven to effectively reduce the look of varicose veins that occurs on the legs.