Sclerotherapy The #2 Cosmetic Procedure


The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery – AACS conducted a study on sclerotherapy and varicose veins. It shows that it is the number 2 most performed cosmetic surgery procedure done and this is mainly due to men doing the treatment. Over the past five years, sclerotherapy has seen an increase of 3%  in males over the past five years. This is totally different compared to the 3.5% increase in females since 2002.

On the other side, there has been a reduction in male hair transplant. The reduction is likely due to the price of the procedure. Over the past five years, there has been a drastic increase in the price of hair transplants, while sclerotherapy has decreased.

Many cosmetic surgeons have seen an increasing amount of men wanted to have the procedure done. This could mainly be attributed to the fact that there are fewer stigmas associated with men having this treatment done.

The top three most performed cosmetic surgical procedures in 2007 were liposuction, sclerotherapy and blepharoplasty. The most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure was Botox innjections, microdermabrasion and chemical peels.

This data is a result of a survey of AACS members based in the United States members and it was conducted in 2007.

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