Is Sclerotherapy Painful?


Most people who have the sclerotherapy cosmetic procedure done want to know if it is painful?

Generally people who have sclerotherapy done will have minimal pain. Patients will experience a little sting associated with each injection. Some might feel a burning sensation once the injection has been applied, but this may last a couple seconds. The patient may also experience stinging or pain at the sites of injection.

The patient may experience temporary itching or cramping at the site of the injection. There is also the possibility that the ankles or feet may swell, or cramping of the muscles.

The type of sclerosing solution used in the procedure may play a role in the amount of pain patient will feel. This will often happen when a hypertonic saline agent is used. The patient may experience reactions that look like hives, but these will vanish ten-twenty minutes after having the injection done.

Small ulcers that are very painful may occur at the injection site. These usually happens when some of the sclerosing solution gets loose into the surrounding the skin. This will be temporary, but if it becomes more painful, then it is good to check with the doctor.

The patient may experience irritation of the blood vessels that were treated. This is rare, but these maybe treated with antibiotics, aspirin, compression or heat.

Most of the time, patients will be able to tolerate the procedure and will not require any type of anesthesia. Most people will state that having sclerotherapy done was a lot less painful than what the imagined.

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