Facial Sclerotherapy


Sclerotherapy is a well-known medical procedure that is used for the treatment of spider and varicose veins. This has been spoken about in great detail on this blog. The results that people receive from having sclerotherapy done on their legs is amazing. This treatment is able to effectively diminish the look or even completely get rid of varicose and spider veins.

Even though sclerotherapy is generally performed on the legs, there has been a shift in focus in use in this treatment on very is parts of the body such as the arms, chest and even in the face. Facial sclerotherapy has slowly increased in popularity as people want to get rid of the veins that are located on their face. These unsightly veins can appear as a result of sun damage, smoking or even aging. Due to the success of sclerotherapy on the legs, doing on the face should have the same results. It can be used to treat veins that are broken and can be found around the cheeks, nose and eyes.

Generally facial sclerotherapy treatment uses a much milder sclerosing agent than what is used to treat the legs. According to some doctors, they state that the procedure is quite safe, if it is done on areas or the face that are far away from the eyes. Its safety is also attendant on the doctor who is performing the treatment.

Facial Sclerotherapy Risks

There is greater risk associated with facial sclerotherapy compared to it being done on the legs. Generally, there is this fear that the chemical agent may travel through the veins on the face back into the vital structures of the head. This can be extremely dangerous especially around the eye region, as blindness could occur.

With facial sclerotherapy there is a higher chance of bruising, compared to the legs. This is due to the fact that the skin on the face is much thinner and bruising and discoloration is greater.

Because the risks are much higher, the injections that are used should be done slower than those of the leg. This would mean less pressure as well as a milder sclerosing agent.


Facial sclerotherapy can be very effective at reducing veins that can be found on the face. It is very similar to the treatment of the less. There is a possibility of having very minor side effects and the results are very good. Many patients are extremely satisfied with the facial sclerotherapy treatment as your face looks totally different. Because veins on the face are so visible, the reduction or removal of these veins will make a significant difference.

Compared to sclerotherapy done on the legs, there is a greater risk involved. Many doctors do not recommend facial sclerotherapy as there are some serious risks involved.

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